Bread Making Fail, The Tooth Fairy and Creative Chalk

Hello guys!
How are you all?
I’m getting increasingly aware that I’m not posting much about my studio work. That’s unfortunately because I don’t actually get a lot of time to do any. So I’m sorry about that, I am slowly working on new and existing products, but most of my time at the moment, is taken up with keeping Emily entertained and running the household. I will do my best to try and get some more interesting content to you, other than lockdown leisure.

So, this last week I wanted to get Emily doing some things she’s never done before. I decided to start the week off by baking some bread with her, but to be honest, she didn’t have much to do with it. Well, what a disaster it was...epic fail!

Now, don’t be deceived by the photo...the bread looks fine, but it was like a brick!! The dough didn’t prove or rise at any stage, but I carried on with it anyway. It tasted awful! So, I think I’m going to leave it there, there’s no more to say about it. I think we will try it again, but not just yet, I haven’t got the energy, lol!

We had two lovely picnics on the lawn...bit of another fail on my part I’m was only meant to be one picnic, to celebrate VE Day on Friday, but misheard when my friend said we were doing it and ended up doing it on Wednesday too...oh well! We had a lovely time and it was great to see and chat to a couple of our closest friends.

Another big thing happened for Emily last week...her first baby tooth came out...yay!! It only literally took a day to come out, from when I first noticed the big tooth poking through at the back.

She just continued to wobble it and it popped out during dinner. She was so excited about the tooth fairy coming and to be honest, I think the tooth fairy was pretty generous (wink wink!).

The healthy eating has continued, but with a few slips along the way, but mostly good. The main culprits being sausage rolls and sandwiches at the picnics and wine and chocolate on date night...never mind, back on track this week.

In regards to the studio and work, I have been working on some new designs, to hopefully be made into pin badges...either enamel or wood or maybe both, I’m not sure yet, I’m still just looking at creating. I need to figure out manufacturing and cost. So I will keep you posted about that.

I’ve also started a daily doodle diary and I think I did 3 days straight (which is good for me) and then the next 2 days were spent working on designs on my iPad instead (note the picture above), so, I have been doing every day, but some have ended up digital and I’m happy with that.

So, we’ve ended our week with some chalk drawing on the patio. I don’t think this is something I’ve ever done with Emily before, so I thought she would enjoy it. However, I would pick the day where the weather was considerably colder than it has been...bbbrrrr!
She thoroughly enjoyed it and has even tried to protect her creations from the rain, by covering the area with the patio chairs...they’re still there, lol!
Anyway, I think I’m going to leave it there. Please check out my social media, as that is updated with current work, pretty much daily, so you’ll be able to see what I’m working on.
So I’ll sign off for now and wish you all a fabulous week ahead.
Keep safe, keep strong and sending love and hugs to you all.
Lots of Love
SJ x x x