Home Schooling, Having Fun and Healthy Eating

Hello you lovely lot!
How have you all been this week? What have you been up to?
I’m going to try and keep it short this week, mainly because there’s obviously not much that has changed or is different.

So this past week has been great...we’ve been creative with our schoolwork, making houses and castles, with packaging we’ve found around the place and we’ve been discovering fun ways of measuring different things...frog hops, measuring tapes and large strides.
Let me just get this out of the way though...I have a confession...I have to admit to you guys that I’ve not even tackled that paperwork I was talking about last week. I’ve been concentrating on getting stock made and what with sorting Emily out and generally doing household tasks, something had to give and unfortunately the paperwork bit it. Oh well, we’re not going anywhere for a little while yet, so I’ve got plenty of time to tackle that.

Food has also been on point too (not including Tuesday and Wednesday...ooops!). I’m not sure if you guys know, but I’m actually following the WW plan (weightwatchers) and I’ve finally got my head back in the game, from Christmas and a holiday in January (yay!!). My weigh in day is a Tuesday and I did manage to lose a little again, whoop whoop! I normally allow myself Tuesday as treat day and have whatever I fancy. I did end up tipping myself over my point allowance Tuesday and yesterday though, but do you know what? I still feel ok about it. I knew that I would have to get out for some extra exercise to make up for it, so I did.

Other than that, I’ve been fuelling my body with lovely salad, chicken and veg, along with a nice load of fruit. I’d like to tackle some new recipes from the WW app this week...I’ve got carrot and lentil burgers planned, so that should be nice.

I’ve managed to get out for my hour of exercise by myself again this last week, a mixture of running and walking and I love that I am able to do that (hope that doesn’t sound selfish?). I put my headphones on, crank up the music and it just takes me away. I really need to try and get some strength training in though too and mix it up a bit. We’ve also been out for a walk and a kick about as a family, which has been lovely. Emily loves going on little adventures, so I’ll try and get her out a couple of times again this week too. She’s also discovered the video function on her tablet recently, so she’s enjoying taking that out with us on our travels...thank god she hasn’t got the option to ‘share’ her videos, lol!

Anyhoo! This was supposed to be short...never mind. I’ve not got much else to talk about, so I will leave it here guys and catch up with you next week. Hopefully if the carrot and lentil burgers go well, I’ll share the recipe with you...and, to be honest, I probably will, even if they don’t, ha ha!
Stay safe everyone!
Lots of Love
SJ x x x
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?